SSC CPO Exam Syllabus
SSC CPO Paper-1 Exam Pattern
There would be 200 Multiple Choice Questions in SSC CPO Paper 1.
Each correct answer will score you 1 mark and for each incorrect answer, there would be a negative marking of 0.25 mark.
The duration of SSC CPO 2023 Paper 1 will be 2 hours (120 minutes).
SSC CPO 2023 Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
Male Candidates
100 metre race in 16 seconds
1.6 Km Race in 6.5 minutes
Long Jump: 3.65 metres in 5 chances
High Jump: 1.2 metres in 3 chances
Short put 16 LBS: 4.5 metres in 3 chances
Female Candidates
100 metre race in 18 second
800 metre race in 4 minutes
Long Jump: 2.7 metres or 9 feet in 3 chances
High Jump: 0.9 metres or 3 feet in 3 chances
SSC CPO Paper 2 Exam Pattern 2023
SSC CPO Paper-2 will be conducted after PET/PST Test for SSC CPO 2023 is conducted.
• The total time duration of the exam is of 120 minutes i.e. 2 hours.
• The total number of questions asked will be 200 MCQ and the maximum marks for Paper-2 will be 200
• The test will be of English Language and Comprehension conducted online.
• There will be a negative marking of 0.25 mark for each wrong answer.
SSC CPO Syllabus 2023
The Syllabus of SSC CPO 2023 is for two written exams conducted online- Paper-1 & Paper-2. Let's have a look at the SSC CPO Syllabus for 2023 Paper-1: